Title: All Mortal Flesh
Author: Julia Spencer-Fleming
Date Finished: Nov. 22, 2008
Personal Book Count: 71/100
Rating: 4 ½ /5
Genre: Mystery
First Line: Midway this way of life we’re bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, where the right road was wholly lost and gone.
Summery: Reverend Clare Fergusson and Chief of police Russ Van Alstyne work together to solve the murder of his wife. All through the book they also struggle with their own relationship. Told from both points of view.
Why did I pick this book? : I heard that is had been nominated for a couple of awards, and I’m always on the look out for new (to me) mystery authors.
Review: This was one of the better mysteries I read in a long time. It was my first from this author, and I wasn’t disappointed. There was a twist at the end that left me in tears. I hated the ending at first, but when I had time to think of it, I loved it! First, it surprised me, which rarely happens any more, and second, it drew emotion, different from the rest of the book, and unexpected. And isn’t that what a GOOD book is supposed to do? I had equal like and dislike for the main characters throughout (I really wasn’t sure WHO I was cheering for at the end), and that made them somewhat real. Even the reverend wasn’t perfect, and I found the character very interesting with a mix of ex-military helicopter pilot and minister. And I like that I wasn’t 2 cute 20 something’s running around with no true motivation solving a mystery. There were real motives behind their action, well thought out adult decisions, and you could follow along without doubt. Read this one! I’m giving it to everyone for Christmas…
Any insights, suggestions, or comments on the book or format, or blog at all are most welcome. =D
Author: Julia Spencer-Fleming
Date Finished: Nov. 22, 2008
Personal Book Count: 71/100
Rating: 4 ½ /5
Genre: Mystery
First Line: Midway this way of life we’re bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, where the right road was wholly lost and gone.
Summery: Reverend Clare Fergusson and Chief of police Russ Van Alstyne work together to solve the murder of his wife. All through the book they also struggle with their own relationship. Told from both points of view.
Why did I pick this book? : I heard that is had been nominated for a couple of awards, and I’m always on the look out for new (to me) mystery authors.
Review: This was one of the better mysteries I read in a long time. It was my first from this author, and I wasn’t disappointed. There was a twist at the end that left me in tears. I hated the ending at first, but when I had time to think of it, I loved it! First, it surprised me, which rarely happens any more, and second, it drew emotion, different from the rest of the book, and unexpected. And isn’t that what a GOOD book is supposed to do? I had equal like and dislike for the main characters throughout (I really wasn’t sure WHO I was cheering for at the end), and that made them somewhat real. Even the reverend wasn’t perfect, and I found the character very interesting with a mix of ex-military helicopter pilot and minister. And I like that I wasn’t 2 cute 20 something’s running around with no true motivation solving a mystery. There were real motives behind their action, well thought out adult decisions, and you could follow along without doubt. Read this one! I’m giving it to everyone for Christmas…
Any insights, suggestions, or comments on the book or format, or blog at all are most welcome. =D
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