Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It happens to the best of us…


I was talking to my friend yesterday whom I have been trying to teach to knit. (Which may I add, I hard from one province away, when we only see each other once in a blue moon, but possible…) She said she was getting frustrated, and needed a kick in the butt. It got me to thinking, who doesn’t? So here is my kick in the butt. I’m going to post about half of my work in project pile (I don’t like the term unfinished object, it sounds negative and final.) These are just the ones that I have started in the past month. The other half is things I have been avoiding for a while. I hope the embarrassment will spur me on to finish something. Maybe it’s not a huge pile, but its stuff taking space, and that I could be using. Especially now that the weather has turned. And we have an approaching Christmas deadline I hear.

So here goes…

Pictured here is my Clapotis (that I started in July), two pairs of socks, a felted slipper for my nephews Christmas present, a popsicle hat (for me or grandma, I haven’t’ decided yet, she may get something a little less colorful), and a lace scarf that I started when I wanted to start experimenting in lace, but haven’t got very far, because I have been working on other things.

Added *not pictured is that blanket that I started in January with a class through the city, that just needs to be sewn up and trimmed, but that is such a large project is has been repeatedly shuffled to the back for smaller ones, this is on the list too*

So, my goal is to get at least 2 things done before I start any others. This is my goal/ kick. If anyone feels inclined they are welcome to offer and additional kick/ encouragement. I expect J to be my mutual butt kicker/ nag till this is done. ARE YOU LISTENING J?

Maybe this kick in the butt will show J she is not alone, and kick her in the butt too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are suck a good friends Lissa. Thanks for kicking yourself in the butt along with me! I guess I just see everything that you've done and how fast you as and I wanna be that good right away. Patientence (SP) is obviously a virtue that I'm not that good with. Lol. Anyways I love you to pieces and Go Work On Those projects :) Love you!