Saturday, April 10, 2010


Title of book(s) read since last update: The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
Number of books read since you started: 4 (not the whole book, just chunks of each)
Pages read since last update: 6
Running total of pages read since you started: 306
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 8 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!): 7 hours 32 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: 3
Other participants you’ve visited: 13
Prize you’ve won: 1 (Bart’s Bookshelf’s Book Title Sentence Mini-Challenge)

Well, I slept for about 40 minutes, and it did wonders. Not only that but as promised, hubby came home with my book AND pizza. Unfortunately, the car died, but that is his story to tell, and he made it home ok.

AND I won a challenge! Hubby had to come get me during dinner! So much fun, and so exciting to win something, thanks Bart! This will definitely keep me going for a while! =D

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