Friday, May 22, 2009

How I Write

Title: How I Write

Author: Janet Evanovich

Date Finished: May 6, 2009

Personal Book Count: 38 out of 100

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Genre/ Subject: non-fiction/ writing

Summery: The title pretty much says it all. Advice and methods of Janet Evanovich. With notes from her daughter Alex and Ina Yalof.

Why did I pick this book? : It’s Janet Evanovich. Yeah, I’m a fan.

Review: Interesting. Evanoviches personality really comes through. I love the Stephanie Excerpts. I am a HUGE fan of her Stephanie Plum, and her NASCAR series, so it was fun to see the process. Are all the steps applicable to Canada? Who knows? And am I ever going to write a novel, and need to know all this? Once again, who knows? It was an entertaining read, none the less. =D

Agree? Disagree? Recommendations? Any insights, suggestions, or comments on the book or format, or blog at all are most welcome. If you have read this and/ or review it yourself, please let me know. Can you think of any books like this? Give me a recommendation! =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely with you it agree. Idea good, it agree with you.