Monday, April 10, 2006

I got jealous. I admit it. Looking at everyone’s great sock bags, I wanted one. Here is Gina’s. Here is Beth’s. Now here is mine. It’s kind of a hybrid, with a little padding thrown in.

I have a couple ideas of things I would do different if I were to do it again, but over all I like the way it came out.

We went and saw The Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at the cheap theater this weekend. It was so well done! Why didn’t it get more awards? We thought it was all very well done. (By ‘we’ I mean me, DH, my mom, dad, grandma and nephew). Now I need to squeeze a little out of the knitting budget to buy it!

I am reading The Regime- by LaHaye and Jenkins right now. Ok, that is a lie. I’m starting it tonight. Inkheart was fabulous! If you like young adult fiction, or science-fantasy, this is a definite must read.


Beth said...

I love the bag! I'm glad to have provided some inspiration. I wish I could find some cute fabric like that.

Lissa said...

best part is it was in the bargin bin at my local fabric store...