Friday, September 30, 2011

Lord of Scoundrels

Title: Lord of Scoundrels

Author: Loretta Chase

Date Finished: August 15, 2011.

Personal Book Count: 29 out of 75

Rating: 4 out of 5

Genre/ Subject: Historical Romance (European)

First Line: In the spring of 1792, Dominick Edward Guy de Ath Ballister, third Marquess of Dain, Earl of Blackmoor, Viscount Launcells, Baron Ballister and Launcells, lost his wife and four children to typhus.

Why did I pick this book?: I picked this book because I never allow myself time to read romance although I really enjoy it. This past spring I came across a list of 100 top romance novels of all time and figured it was a good place to start. This was number one.

Summary and Review: taken from the author's website-

They call him many names but Angelic isn’t one of them...
Sebastian Ballister, the notorious Marquess of Dain, is big, bad, and dangerous to know. No respectable woman would have anything to do with the “Bane and Blight of the Ballisters”--and he wants nothing to do with respectable women. He’s determined to continue doing what he does best--sin and sin again--and all that’s going swimmingly, thank you...until the day a shop door opens and she walks in.

She’s too intelligent to fall for the worst man in the world...
Jessica Trent is a determined young woman, and she’s going to drag her imbecile brother off the road to ruin, no matter what it takes. If saving him--and with him, her family and future--means taking on the devil himself, she won’t back down. The trouble is, the devil in question is so shockingly irresistible, and the person who needs the most saving is--herself!”

I am usually not a big lover of historical books at all. I find it especially in the romance genre they can cross the line into incredibly sweet and cheesy. I also find myself getting frustrated with an abundance of description of the surroundings and the clothing and the food etc. and if they slip into a dialect that I have to stop and interpret and as often as not put it down and walk away. Reading romances should be light and fluffy and fun not work. So although I pick this one up with a lot of preconceived notions, I wanted to give it a try as it had made number one on the list. I have to say this book immediately broke through all of them. I like seeing inside the point of view of both main characters. They both have great senses of humor, and I like seeing the manipulation in the game of oneupmanship they were constantly trying to play on one another. I never found myself overwhelmed with description or dialect. The storyline what the push/pull that I think we expect from romances. I like that this one was from two perspectives, and they were both taking part in the push pull dance. The setting I think could have been almost anywhere at anytime. With the exception of when they were at the manor, and he was the lord. Other than references to their dress, or possibly some of the company kept, or where they hung out, I could easily forget that it was historical. The language wasn’t trying to be to fancy or old-fashioned. For me that is a major turn off. The ending was satisfying, in that everyone got what I think they deserved. I would read other books by this author if the opportunity presented itself. So, am I a convert? Will I read other books that are historical fiction, especially in the romance genre? Probably not. Although this book dispelled many preconceived notions, I am still leery. Am I missing out on many great books? Probably, but unless one of them jumps up and bites me as this one did, it probably isn't going to happen. I will stick to my contemporary romances for now.

How about you? Do you have strong preferences either way between historical and contemporary? Why?

Agree? Disagree? Recommendations? Any insights, suggestions, or comments on the book or format, or blog at all are most welcome. If you have read this and/ or review it yourself, please let me know. Can you think of any books like this? Give me a recommendation! =D

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