Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Top Ten Books That Tackle Tough Issues

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and The Bookish please go visit them over there to take part with us! =D

  1. Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson – anorexia
  2. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee- racism
  3. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides- transgender
  4. Still Alice by Lisa Genova- Alzheimer's
  5. My Sister’s Keeper by Jody Picoult - right to own body
  6. any Torey Hayden book- special needs kids
  7. Room by Emma Donahue – timely (Jaycee Dugard)
  8. Memory Keeper’s Daughter by Kim Edwards – rights of special needs kids (sorry, i know i read this one, but i can't find the review, i will keep hunting)
  9. Go Ask Alice by Anonymous- Drugs (ditto)
  10. 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher- teen suicide

I had trouble picking only ten! But, as I have only read about half of these, I could have gotten theme and issues mixed up in some. (Or am I being too picky?) Also, I am fascinated to see what others picked, because what I call a tough issue, others may not. Nonetheless, this was a fun list. Thx. =D

Are there any books I missed that you would add to the list?


Anonymous said...

I've had Middlesex on my reading list for a while now.

Laurie said...

OK: Now I am going to read Still Alice, as your the third or fourth person to mention it and I had never heard of it until today!
And I've tried to listen to Wintergirls twice, with no success, so it's time to pick it up, get on the treadmill, and read it!
Good call on Middlesex; I considered it, but chose The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon instead, figuring the latter isn't as well known...
Thanks for a terrific list.

Laurie said...

Whoops! Make that "you're" the 3rd or 4th person...

Lark Andrea said...

Wintergirls made our list too.

Reading Lark's Top 10

MJ said...

I've also had "Middlesex" on my TBR list forever. Thanks for the reminder - I need to get a copy.

Marce said...

I have a few of the same. Still Alice is an all time favourite.

My Top Ten


Marce said...

I'm a new follower. I only read The Surgeon last year, definitely a new author I can't wait to read more of.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I keep seeing 13 Reasons everywhere. I suppose it's a book I should check out.

Here's my Top Ten Books Tackling Tough Issues. And don't forget to enter my July giveaway!

Lissa said...

abookandashortlatte- me too. maybe we should do a group read this summer?

laurie- i think wintergirls is one you have to be in the right mind-space for. it is quite... sad. i don't think everyone could read it. but, i felt like it was worth the read.

andrea- what did you think of it? have you read anything else by LHA?

mj- you should join me a abookandashortlatte in reading it this summer (if we can get it going) seems there a quite a few of us who haven't read this yet, but want to.

marce- thanks for coming by. sorry about the maintenance stage i am in. i am trying to refresh things a little. still alice is another one that came highly recommended, and is sitting on my shelf glaring at me. gerritsen is definitely and author that is worth your time. :)

deb nance- 13 reasons is another one that is kind of serious and sad. i remember liking it (as much as you can like a book like that), but i heard mixed reviews. would be interested it hear what you think when you are done.

thx everyone for coming to visit! =D