Saturday, October 09, 2010

rat 3

6 hours in, 3 books down. And 6 blogs visited. Not a bad morning at all. Have to confess, I did fall asleep. But I obviously needed it. So now I am refreshed and ready to tackle the next 18 hours with a renewed self. And now that I have that out of the way, do you think I can make it until 6 AM? Think I need a change of scene… where and what to read next?


Col (Col Reads) said...

We love Bronte,
Austen too!
We love reading!
How about you?
Looks like you're having an awesome Readathon!

Amanda Roper said...

I'm cheering for you!

Marg said...

I only just got out of bed a couple of hours ago and I am already thinking I could do with a nap!

Hope you are enjoying your readathon!

Unknown said...

The fresh air helps too! Read outside for a few minutes!

You can definitely make it until 6am!! Just stay away from the bedroom! LOL!

Keep up the good reading!
Cheerleader The Brain Lair