Monday, January 04, 2010

new reading system

Looking back over the last year and my reading habits, I realized something. I realized there was a lot of entertaining reading and great books I was missing out on. I wanted to set up a system to fix this. All I could think of was alternating, something with something else, but I couldn’t think of a way to make this work. With some thought, I think I found a system that could work for me. Each month I will pick 8 books as a start of what to read, each from a category (this should also help me get to my 100 book goal). It also leaves room for library books, ARC’s and any other ‘extras’ I may want to add in that month. So here is what I am thinking of for the categories.

Hardcover/oversized/chunksters- I am not a fan of hard covers, and tend to think I’ll get bored if something is a little longer, so I tend to shut myself out of some great reads.

Non-fiction/ biography- I always forget how much I like these. Once I get started. And I have a stack on my shelves. I would like to read some this year, instead of passing the up for other fiction reads.

Red dress/chicklit- I like the fluffy stuff, but sometimes it’s a ‘guilty’ pleasure, and pass it up for other reads.

NASCAR books- see above reasons.

Young Adult- you didn’t really think I could get by without this one, did you?

Literary/classic- I like to think of myself as ‘well read’ but I’m sometimes surprised at what I haven’t read. I added literary to the classics to give myself a break some months.

Series- this isn’t necessarily a series, but for lack of a better name, that is what I chose. There are certain authors I love, so I buy one of their books when I come across it, but then stick it on a shelf, until I can ‘get to it’. I know you all know what I mean, I intend to start READING some of these books.

Individual- paperback books I already own, but don’t fit in the category of series.

So for this month I hope to tackle:

HC- Sunday at Tiffanies- Patterson

BIO- Still Growing- Cameron

RD- Fat Chance- Blumenthal

NASCAR- Nascar Christmas 1- various

YA- Snow in Love- RAY

L/C- Dracula- Stoker (I know still, may not finish, but hope to take a large chunk from it)

Series- If You Could See Me Now- Ahern

Ind- One Hex of a Wedding - Galenorn (done)

ARC- Gemma- Tilly (done)

We will see if this new system works, but at least it’s a good place to start. =D

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