Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I was actually a busy gal this weekend…

Friday night was for movies. Hubby convinced me to rent Star Trek Enterprise, first season, and sit through it. It is a long process, but I have to admit it’s creative, and it’s something new to watch (I get so tired of repeats). And I’m not finding it hard to look at Archer and Trip, as we watch episode after episode after episode…

Saturday we got up and went to see a presentation of Ryan’s dream. Ryan is a fried of the family and he made this documentary. The sort version is he rode his bike from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Argentina to raise money for make a wish foundation. It is amazing. I left in awe, as well as feeling a little like I needed to get off my butt and make more of a contribution to something. He is an inspiration, and I have a feeling we are still gonna see some pretty amazing things from this guy!

After we left the theater, my family came over for coffee. They had never seen my home or my home based business, and I think they were impressed. I had my grandfather, aunt, uncle, uncle, his girlfriend and her son, as well as my hubby and myself. I think it was the most people that have ever been in my house at one time! Mondo fun though…

Then the afternoon was for mailing packages, and knitting! And the evening was for…knitting! (And a little movie watching of course…)

Sunday was spent groceries shopping, wandering around chapters, and knitting!

Now I know someone out there is going to say, “Hey Lissa, show us your knitting!” Well, no. I will, but not till after I felt it :-P

For today though, I leave you with a picture of my felted basket that I made in the class I have taken for the past couple of weeks.

Reading: The Big Over Easy- Jasper Fford
Watching: never ending episodes of Star Trek (and Notting Hill I snuck in on Monday)

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